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Информация о курсе

This course is devoted to all non linguistic specialties on the basis of the discipline Foreign language-2.

Main strategies for improving Reading skills; Type of assignment for improving Reading skills (Multiple choice; Analytical analysis of the text, comprehension questions); 15 lessons; About 30 exercises for different skills and types; Analysis of all chapters Reading (chapters 1-14) and analysis of each of them; Extracts from movie; Brief information about the author; Final test by book; Forum support; Access to the course 24/7 for 90 days; Your personal study plan by day;

Требования к студентам

Level B1.

Команда курса

Фотография преподавателя #1

Tulebayeva S.K.

Senior teacher of the department Practical Foreign Languages, Master of pedagogical sciences

Фотография преподавателя #2

Otarova T.N.

Senior teacher of the department Practical Foreign Languages, Master of pedagogical sciences

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