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Курс лекций по дисциплине «OIL AND GAS WELLS DRILLING»

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курс лекции на английском языке для полиязычной группы

The purpose of teaching the discipline is to study the basics of oil and gas well drilling technology, methods for designing drilling modes and bit performance indicators, methods of drilling and hermetic isolation of oil and gas-bearing objects, as well as preventing complications possible in the process of drilling wells and opening productive horizons.

know the basic methods of calculating installations for drilling oil and gas wells, techniques for improving the efficiency of installations, and ways to protect them from corrosion

Upon completion of this course you will be able to: - define requirements for drilling systems and rigs, to interact with related specialties in the development of methods, tools and technologies for the use of professional activities.

Course team

Фотография преподавателя #1

Kabdushev Arman

PhD Doctor,M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University